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21. August 2024 – PMIspective – Low hanging fruits: Synergien säen und ernten – PMI-Expertentalk

August 21st, 2024 – PMIspective – Low hanging fruits: sowing and harvesting synergies – PMI expert talk

Those with a green thumb for PMI processes can pluck sweet synergy fruits by the bucketful. But beware: Not every tempting fruit is ripe for the picking. So how do you plan a bumper crop of synergy effects? How do you prepare the soil before the takeover, which seeds will sprout, and how do you spot the ripe fruits? And what if your arms just aren't long enough to reach?

Let‘s cultivate these juicy questions in our next PMIspective on August 21st.
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We're looking forward to a fruitful exchange and a bountiful harvest of ideas!

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But already on September 18th, you'll get another chance to join a PMIspective. Save the date!

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24. Juli 2024 – PMIspective – Availability: Stell dir vor, es ist Closing und keiner geht hin – PMI-Expertentalk

July 24th, 2024 – PMIspective - Availability: Imagine there’s a closing and nobody shows up – PMI expert talk

However well you’ve planned your closing – the final say is down to the public authorities. And if the closing date happens to be during the school holidays to top things off, closing might become a rather lonely matter. So how can you avoid this pitfall? By postponing day-1? Impose a vacation freeze for just-in-case? Or carry on anyway hoping it’s going to work out somehow?

Let’s discuss these scenarios in our next PMIspective on July 24th!
Register here 👉 Registration

We‘re looking forward to seeing you there!

You are not with us this time?
So sad.
But already on August 21st, you'll have another chance to join a PMIspective. Save the date!

About PMIspective