by admindk | Jan 13, 2021 | Case-Studies
Like so many companies who have expanded their geographical reach over time, an automotive supplier was suffering due to the way their production activities were distributed, with a high proportion of their activities in high-wage countries. As efficiency and competitiveness had fallen by the wayside, we developed a strategy enabling the company to consolidate their locations and drafted accompanying plans to relocate production activities and facilities. We provided intensive support for the first steps of this process and proved that our plans could actually work in practice. This built confidence in our strategy and enabled our client to complete the consolidation process themselves.
by admincf | Jan 13, 2021 | Case-Studies
An automotive supplier wanted to whip their research and development (R&D) activities into shape and improve their efficiency to make the company more competitive. We achieved this goal by reorganizing their R&D facilities. We were able to significantly enhance the automotive supplier’s efficiency and shorten their development cycles by consolidating centers of expertise while at the same time specializing activities at each site. In other words, delivering more, faster, and better.
by admindk | Dec 17, 2020 | Case-Studies
An automotive supplier realized that their products were set to become much more complex. Our job was to reconfigure every single aspect of their organization from top to bottom to make them fit for the future. We refocused the three areas of responsibility within the Executive Board, completely redesigned, optimized and rolled out their project organization, and clarified all responsibilities along the supply chain, from the first customer call to delivery of the finished parts. Now our client can look to the future with confidence.
by admindk | Dec 17, 2020 | Case-Studies
A company in the automotive services sector wanted to scale up a profitable business model in order to apply it to its less profitable locations. We suggested to the managing directors that the company first needed to switch to a service-oriented organization if it wanted to grow successfully at all. We then implemented this new service-oriented organization, making sure from the outset that it was scalable and had the capacity to grow. The organizational and cultural changes began right at the top at Board level and continued all the way down to the site managers. With the help of regular workshops and individual coaching sessions, we were able to motivate all of the company’s staff to follow this new path and gradually introduce a change in mindset across the entire company.
by admindk | Dec 17, 2020 | Case-Studies
Two German financial services providers with several thousand employees agreed to merge. Our challenge was to not only create a new organizational structure but also determine the right size for the new company “on the side”. We also supported the implementation of this project, with around 50% of employees across all locations moving to new offices.
by admindk | Dec 17, 2020 | Case-Studies
An established chemicals group wanted to expand its sales activities into the automotive industry. We recommended partnering with a provider of automotive engineering services. This enabled the client to enter into discussions with carmakers and offer their solutions at a much earlier stage, during the development process. We defined all aspects of the collaboration between both partners and steadily increased the intensity of the collaboration. Our client has been delivering their products very efficiently ever since.