Timing is everything, they say. But when exactly is the perfect time to start your post-merger integration?
Right after closing? Sure, you can do that.
Or maybe you wait a little. That can be smart too, as long as you don't let the integration fall off the radar entirely. After all, you'll probably have a clearer head and a better overview at a later point. And better late than never, right?
But too late isn't exactly a winning strategy either. So, what’s the sweet spot?
In our next PMIspective on November 20th, we’ll dive deep into the topic of timing. Our expert panel will take a closer look at real cases where waiting paid off – and where it didn’t. And yes, the "started too early and crashed it hard" stories will also make an appearance.
Because one thing’s for sure: a successful integration doesn’t happen by chance. It all comes down to good timing.
Dear PMI professionals, secure your free place👉 here - the sooner the better!
We look forward to an engaging fun discussion!
Can't make it this time?
Bad timing, what a shame.
But don't worry – the next PMIspective is on December 18. Save the date!