#2 – If you are not one of the first, better react quickly and consistently

Transformation Key Success Factors number 2: If you're not one of the first, better react quickly and consistently.

You can't be at the forefront of every subject. No organization can provide that much personnel and financial capacity. You can be very successful in the role of the fast follower. After all, it's enough that the wheel was invented once. This role requires being attentive and open, to recognize the important trends and pulses. One must not be afraid to adopt the wheel, even if it is not invented here.

Being able to react quickly and consistently, to play the role of a true fast follower, you must be able to release personnel and financial capacities on short notice.

Heimliche PMI-Planer
The Hidden Planners of PMI

Da sind wir raus! „Mit Verlaub, damit haben wir doch überhaupt nichts zu tun. Mit dem Signing sind wir raus aus dem Prozess.“ Diese Bemerkung...